Nova Launcher Version Histories

We have mirrored versions of Nova Launcher APK files. It will help you to upgrade or downgrade Nova Launcher easily.

Nova Launcher APK version 5.5.1 has various functions based on the feature overview. You can use this app to customize your Android applications and widgets. You can adjust the column and line based on your need. You can choose which…

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Here is available versions:

  1. Latest version: Nova Launcher APK 5.5.1 (Updated: November 21, 2017)
  2. Nova Launcher 5.4.1 APK Android (Updated: November 21, 2017)
  3. Nova Launcher 5.0 APK Android (Updated: September 8, 2017)
  4. Nova Launcher 4.3 APK Android (Updated: December 14, 2016)
  5. Nova Launcher 4.2.2 APK Android (Updated: May 4, 2016)
  6. Nova Launcher 4.2.0 APK Android (Updated: January 9, 2016)
  7. Nova Launcher 4.1.0 APK Android (Updated: December 8, 2015)
  8. Nova Launcher 4.0 APK Android (Updated: November 4, 2015)

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