Total War Battles: KINGDOM Version Histories

We have mirrored versions of Total War Battles: KINGDOM APK files. It will help you to upgrade or downgrade Total War Battles: KINGDOM easily.

Total War Battles: KINGDOM APK is coming with the new version 1.30. Inside the latest game from developer Creative Assembly, players will create an empire. All arranged by his players, such as the economy in the kingdom, army, castle, population,…

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Here is available versions:

  1. Latest version: Total War Battles: KINGDOM APK 1.30 (Updated: August 23, 2016)
  2. Total War Battles: KINGDOM 1.20 APK Android (Updated: August 23, 2016)
  3. Total War Battles: KINGDOM 1.10 APK Android (Updated: July 1, 2016)
  4. Total War Battles: KINGDOM 1.00 APK Android (Updated: April 29, 2016)

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