Cut the Rope: Magic Version Histories

We have mirrored versions of Cut the Rope: Magic APK files. It will help you to upgrade or downgrade Cut the Rope: Magic easily.

Cut the Rope: Magic APK has been released and the new version is 1.4.2. Not much change from puzzle mechanisms to Cut the Rope. Just like its predecessor series, you were asked to cut up the rope found at every…

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Here is available versions:

  1. Latest version: Cut the Rope: Magic APK 1.4.2 (Updated: December 14, 2016)
  2. Cut the Rope: Magic 1.4.1 APK Android (Updated: December 14, 2016)
  3. Cut the Rope: Magic 1.4.0 APK Android (Updated: August 25, 2016)
  4. Cut the Rope: Magic 1.1.0 APK Android (Updated: June 1, 2016)
  5. Cut the Rope: Magic 1.0.0 APK Android (Updated: February 20, 2016)

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