Descendants Version Histories

We have mirrored versions of Descendants APK files. It will help you to upgrade or downgrade Descendants easily.

Descendants APK 1.23.386 has been updated. To have a great game for the android will be the best idea for people to entertain them in their activity. Many games can be found in the modern era like today including the…

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Here is available versions:

  1. Latest version: Descendants APK 1.23.386 (Updated: September 23, 2016)
  2. Descendants 1.21.353 APK Android (Updated: September 23, 2016)
  3. Descendants 1.20.339 APK Android (Updated: May 26, 2016)
  4. Descendants 1.19.330 APK Android (Updated: March 24, 2016)
  5. Descendants 1.18.311 APK Android (Updated: February 25, 2016)
  6. Descendants 1.17.232 APK Android (Updated: February 12, 2016)
  7. Descendants 1.17.226 APK Android (Updated: January 30, 2016)
  8. Descendants 1.16.512444 APK Android (Updated: January 28, 2016)

Note: uses APKTrunk cloud storage for quick file storage and downloading.