Google Wallpapers Version Histories

We have mirrored versions of Google Wallpapers APK files. It will help you to upgrade or downgrade Google Wallpapers easily.

Google Wallpapers APK 1.0.139964517 is new application from Google that has similar functionality compared to wallpaper application of Google Pixel phone. This app is what you need if you are included in those who like the wallpapers on Smartphone to…

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Here is available versions:

  1. Latest version: Google Wallpapers APK 1.0.139964517 (Updated: November 29, 2016)
  2. Google Wallpapers 1.0.138220093 APK Android (Updated: November 29, 2016)
  3. Google Wallpapers 1.0.137185727 APK Android (Updated: November 15, 2016)

Note: uses APKTrunk cloud storage for quick file storage and downloading.