Cortana APK

Developer: Microsoft Corporation Version: Requirement: Varies with device Price: Free

Cortana APK Android

July 21, 2017
Change log
  • Previous version Cortana apk for Android will help you to downgrade or install older app easily. This is one of the best Tools apps.

    They will find the microphone button as well as the text box appears on the bottom of the display which is waiting for users commands. Many of Windows Phone styling is used in this app. It even is completed with the circular button which comes along the bottom for canceling as well saving. Its appearance is almost identical with its appearance on the Windows version. People will find the same characteristic which can also be found on other platforms. It has the notebook area which keeps record of its understanding about users.

    This feature will make sure that the personal assistant will not be able to surprise users about the information about them which they do not remember handing over the Cortana. Users can simply remove it from the notebook when this circumstance occurs. There are some other great features which can be found after all. There is feature which is called “hey Cortana” and it is useful for activating the personal assistant hands free although it is still provided for Windows only for now. Users can expect that someday this feature can also be found for device with Android platform. There are still some unsatisfying parts of this beta version including the struggling voice recognition which can be found on the streets. There are some elements of user interface which looks blocky on the screen with high resolution.

    Features of Cortana APK
    • Place calls
    • Look up directions
    • Set calendar even
    • Much more
    Cortana Screenshot 1
  • New in Cortana APK Android

    • Improved app performance
    • Improved UI compatibility with some devices
    • Added data refresh to lock screen
  • Apps Reviews

    This version is better so you can update your app.